Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Up and Over It

When Tristan and I started this blog in mid-July, it was because we spent so much time G-chatting to each other about how we wanted our lives to go somewhere, we just figured blogging was a great way to get it all out and let our friends ride along with us. (Lucky you!)

Four and a half months later I'm physically sitting in the same exact spot, but emotionally, mentally, and all over spiritually I have moved leaps and bounds forward.

Around this time last winter I was working a temp job at a huge NPO learning how to do Online Marketing, Development, and manage various other fundraising campaigns. While I enjoyed the position, I knew in the back of my mind that I needed to find something with stability (a girl's got bills to pay!). So I set out on job hunt 2011. Cover letters and resumes flew from fingertips to keyboard. Destination: California. I don't know what got into me, I had never wanted to move to the state the threatens to break loose and sink into the Pacific. I even landed an interview with an amazing organization in San Diego. Ahh San Diego. Great for vacations, but I just can't live there. That was the last position I pursued out of state, and ended up taking a part time office job in Tucson.

Tucson: My layover to a better destination.

I don't regret anything about moving here. It's a great first step for getting back out of my parents' house and into my own place again. It's affordable, friendly, great weather, and I have friends here. However sometime around June I knew my time here was up. After easily a dozen interviews in the Old Pueblo from June to October and zero luck landing anything worthwhile, I stopped with the resumes altogether. 

And then!

The fire under my ass was lit once again. (Bless my friends for yelling at me on a rainy drive, telling me I need to get out of Arizona. They couldn't be more right.) I went on a great vacation that didn't feel like a vacation, but more like home, and I finally.. FINALLY.. found a city I can fully, honestly, seriously, so excitedly see myself moving to and living in. I got home and started sending out resumes once again. This time to LA. 

I know it's super pricey to live out there. And while the jobs are fairly abundant (compared to Phx and Tucson), there are significantly more people applying to them, but I sense it's where I belong. At any rate, I've got two phone interviews already lined up and I am still sending out resumes. My original goal was to be out there by March, but my gut tells me I need to get out there ASAP. My guess is I'll be moving in January and I'm totally stoked about that! I'll be taking nothing but my clothing and necessities and of course my new beach cruiser that's waiting in Phoenix under the Christmas tree.