Wednesday, January 2, 2013


Chris and I went on a 3 mile run yesterday afternoon to work off some of our New Year's Eve celebrations and I had a bit of a personal revelation which has led me to make a resolution of sorts. I don't make resolutions, but I think this one is key and something I'd like to really incorporate into my everyday life.

When we started our run I was in a bit of pain. My chest hurt a little - too much Twister?, my knee was bothering me in a spot that doesn't usually hurt, and it was cold. To top it off, I sort of felt like I was going to vomit mimosas and french toast. So naturally I was thinking about all of those things that were bothering me. But as we got into the run I started thinking, "No, self.. this is a great run!". The air was refreshing, we were running at a great pace, I was running with the man I love who just so happens to love running as much as (if not more than) I do, we were getting exercise.. I was smiling and enjoying myself.

Basically I started to think about how great I felt rather than the pain I was feeling.

And that's the resolution.

I'm not a negative person by any means, but we all allow ourselves to let our inner voice be a little jerk sometimes. Mine comes out to play when my body starts to fail me. So in those moments I am going to consciously  make the effort to remind myself what is good in that moment rather than focus on what hurts. It might be difficult, but I think it will be a good, healthy change!

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