Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Two Wrongs Don't Make A Right

I think the most upsetting thing I've been told lately is that there is something wrong with me, and that is why my relationship ended. "You are a very independent person. You are. And when a girl is too independent, guys wonder why she's even with him in the first place."

For the record, I am a fairly independent individual. I have changed my own tire, put together my own furniture, fixed my own toilet, put up new racks in my closet, and learned how to install dry-wall.. because any realistic woman knows that there's not always a man around to do these things for her. I don't always take on things on my own, and I sure as hell ask for help when I need it.

Tristan assured me it's a question of emotional independence. A woman who prides herself on being able to be emotionally detached and not needing a man vs a woman who can go out and have fun with her friends and be away from her mate. One woman is completely and utterly independent while the other still looks forward to seeing her significant other tomorrow. I am NOT exhibit A.

No matter which woman I am, it truly wouldn't matter. I realized talking to both Tristan and my other guy friend (who unknowingly hurt my feelings) that we all want something different. This seems obvious, but when you are in the trenches of love, the obvious becomes muddled. We become confused, fly crooked, and seek all the help we can get.

As someone who has recently re-embraced my sexy life the way it is, in the present, I can go forward with confidence knowing who I am, what I want, and what I don't want. To supplement that, I know, without a shadow of a doubt, that there is nothing wrong with me.

I am an independent woman. I loathe "good morning" text messages. I sing off key wherever I damn well please. I don't like to cook, but I get excited to try new recipes. And I am not a movie person.

These are all things about me that will never change, and I am okay with that. And there is someone out there who will be okay with all those things too. Because it's not a matter of there being something wrong with me, but finding someone who is right for me.

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