Monday, October 3, 2011

I'll Be Your Wifey

Newsflash, gentlemen: I am a Mrs., not a mistress.

I have zero interest in men who are not 100% single and (sorry daddy's) without kiddos. If you're married, engaged, have a girlfriend, dating someone, sleeping with someone, "talking" to someone, or still in love with another woman.. you are not 100% single and I literally have no interest in you beyond being your friend.
(Which, side note, I am super good at because 98% of my man friends are not single and this is getting borderline absurd.)

I bring this up for a handful of reasons, not all of which I'm comfortable with sharing, but I will indulge you with the latest. I was out this weekend with a group of friends, two couples and the brother of one of the guys. Said brother is engaged to an apparently evil woman who is hated by all, loved by none. As the only single girl around, I was basically the bait, being tossed at the brother in an attempt to lure him away from this evil woman. Okay, I know most of this was all in fun and I can totally go along with it, BUT I am not a home wrecker. I think it goes without saying, but I will say it anyway, no luring occurred. I might flirt, but I flirt with everyone. Literally. Everyone. Women, men, young, old. That's just my nature. (maybe that's the issue..)

What bothers me a little bit here is that this clearly is not the first time something along these lines has taken place.

So it kind of gets me to thinking, am I being viewed in a negative way that I really, truly, most definitely do NOT want to be viewed? If so, why? What vibes am I giving off? How are people perceiving me? How are men perceiving me? I know that I am wife material (my future hubs is going to be so lucky!), so where is this getting lost in translation?

I'm not offended, yet. But I'm starting to get worried that I've taken on the motto "I'm a Mrs., not a mistress".. uhhh.