Disclaimer: I am super addicted to peanut butter. Today I stirred a couple spoons of all natural (aka pure peanuts and a little salt) peanut butter into a bowl of nonfat plain yogurt and added some raisins. Wholly yumface. A little tart. A little salt. A lot of delicious. This would be bomb with banana in it, but I've already had two today and really just need to save one for tomorrow. I also decided to make black beans in preparation for tomorrow's dinner. I've never made beans before. It's a good thing I realized it would take three hours out of my life, otherwise I'd be confused and hungry (or just lacking beans..) for dinner tomorrow.
P.S. Beans smell delicious when cooked. I'll probably spend my sleep dreaming about heavenly foods and wake up drooling with a growling stomach. Dammit.
DAYS 8, 9, & 10:
I haven't had the opportunity to blog over the weekend so I'm going to compile the last three days into one.
I started out running intervals on the dreaded treadmill. Most runners will agree that hopping on the treadmill is awful for a handful of reasons, probably the first being that it's so damn boring. The only reason I use the machine to do these exercises is because it can properly keep my pace that I just can't do when I'm running outside. Happily, though, my apartment replaced the treadmill I may or may not have blown up a few months ago and this one is significantly nicer.
I set the timer for 20 minutes. Ran the first 10 minutes alternating 2 minutes at 6.2mph and 2 minutes at 6.4mph. The second set of 10 minutes I alternated 2 minutes at 6.4mph and 2 minutes at 6.6mph. It's simply a good way to burn fat.
After the interval run I was going to "cool down" for 10 minutes with an inclined walk, but decided to test out the "glute buster" setting on the treadmill. This was basically another interval workout but with steep inclines and not as fast. Fast enough to where I couldn't walk, but slow enough to where I couldn't run. It was a painfully slow jog uphill.
Immediately following that I did the BR HIIT workout 2x through (numbers to come soon):
- Clean & Press using the sandbag: 16, 14
- Squat Leaps: 30, 27
- 3 Tier Push ups: 15, 15
- Reverse Pull Ups using dip station: I did push ups in place, second round did girl push ups because my arms were SO fatigued that I was getting nowhere fast: 12, 15
- Squat & Press using the sandbag: 15, 17
- Switch Lunges: 27, 27
Then the resistance workout at 3 rounds of 15 reps per exercise. Dammit Sean.:
- Sand Bag Swing using the sandbag
- Sand Bag Up Right Row using the sandbag
- Sand Bag Squat Jump Press using the sandbag
- Sand Bag Lunge Press Side Turn using the sandbag
Just for the record: doing all that running followed immediately by ALL these leg workouts is NOT a good idea. I was shaking long before I ever finished day 8.
Woke up unable to move my legs properly. Felt a lot like Gumby probably feels on a day to day basis. I've been doing my workouts in the evenings, but since my family was coming into town I had to get this one done bright and early.
These were done 3x through:
- Press up Burpee + Plyometric Jump (or squat/tuck jump): 10, 10, 10
- Star Single Toe Touch Abs: 27, 26, 26
- Sit Squat & Jump using the sandbag: 25, 25, 28
- Mountiain Climbers x 10 & Ugi Ball Toe Touch’s x 10: the toe touch is like doing a high knee, but having something to place your toe to.. I used my weighted bag: 4, 4, 4
Had full intentions of running intervals again today, but my blisters are almost healed and there was no energy in my body so I put them off until Monday (active rest day).
The following exercises were done once through, as fast as I could muster, against the stop watch:
- 100 High Knee Skips: rather than jumping rope, I just did high knees
- 100 Lunge kicks (50 each leg) using the sandbag: not even going to lie, these were difficult. I had the bag above my head while trying to not fall over (can't promise I didn't), while simultaneously lunging backwards and then kicking that leg forward. Feel the burn.
- 100 High Knee Skips
- 100 squats using the sandbag
- 100 High Knee Skips
- 25 Straight Abs
- 25 V Abs Left: this was like a side crunch using your whole body. I'm not sure I had the form 100% correct, but they were pretty tough as well.
- 25 V Abs Right
- 25 Bicycle Abs
Then was Sean's glorious workout of 2 exercises, 3 minutes each. I literally hate Sean:
- Bicep curls with bag: 78
- Bent over row with bag: 90 .. there wasn't a video for this workout so I kind of guess what this exercise might be..
Okay, I have a few observations/complaints/thoughts to express. I'm definitely noticing that I'm getting stronger, which is totally awesome. Doing a lot of the leg work is becoming easier (high knees and tuck jumps especially) and even push ups are feeling easier. So in that respect, I am pleased. I'm excited to do the fit test this week and see how much, if any, I've improved from Day 1. That being said, I have not lost weight, which SUCKS. I already know what the argument there is: muscle gained. Unfortunately, that was NOT my goal. Yes, I do want to gain a little more muscle definition all over ,but I can see that my arms have gotten bigger, God help me. I don't want my arms getting bigger, I want them slimmer. Ditto my legs. I have pants that used to fit a month ago and they are NOT fitting me right now. So that's my complaint: I'm gaining muscle, but it's bulky (in my eyes). I'm not leaning out.
Happy to get that off my chest. I will continue to do this challenge and see it through to the end, but once it's over I'm definitely laying off the training. I can't do this every day! I'm afraid of having huge arms, ha!
Damn. My biceps are SORE. Like, feel the burn because they're growing at an exponential rate sore. Stretching my arm out to the straight position is a slight challenge at this point and is borderline painful.
Yesterday I ran intervals on the treadmill. I did 20 minutes. The first 10 minutes, alternated 2 minutes at 6.4mph and 2 minutes at 6.6mph. The second 10 minutes I alternated 2 minutes at 6.4mph and 2 minutes at 6.8mph. I felt like I could have gone forever, but my blisters which have STILL not gone away reminded me that I cannot, in fact, run forever.
Post run I did 10 minutes of incline intervals at a super slow pace just to cool down.
Today I did the usual 3 mile run. My knee was kind of bothering me earlier today, so I took the run a little slow just to be mindful of injuries. Annnnd then I came home and ate two delicious sushi rolls that I picked up from AJ's this afternoon in addition to a medley of veggies and quinoa. Holy food baby batman.
Two things: The first is pretty obvious. I'm definitely way more hungry than normal since I'm working out a lot more. Good and bad. I mean, I need to fuel my body and I'm really trying to be mindful of what I put in it (natural foods, nothing processed). But, I feel like I continue to consume what I burn, thus making weight loss nearly impossible. Second thing, ever since I started this workout routine I have been a lot more tired than normal. Not immediately following my workout, but in the aftermath of it all my body is requiring a couple more hours of sleep per night than it regularly does. I'm happy to accommodate, but it's really inconvenient when I'm waking up 40 minutes after the first snooze swipe on my alarm and get into work 15 minutes late.
DAY 11:
Wednesday, January 18.
After stepping on the scale this morning, my biggest (woman) fears have definitely come true. I have gained quite a bit of weight. I'm sure a good amount of it is muscle because I don't
look fat, but it would be an understatement to say that I'm really upset. My body is going in the entirely opposite direction of where I want it to be going. My goal from this whole thing was to get back to where I was: lose about 10 pounds, slim back down, fit in my damn pants. Everything opposite of that is occurring. I've gained weight, gotten bigger, and definitely do not fit in those mother f'ing pants. I don't want all this muscle, which apparently I'm predisposed to putting on, I eat way too much to compensate for the calories I'm burning, way more than I'm used to and it's grossing me out, I feel fat, and it's wearing me out.. I'm requiring far more sleep than normal and I just can't be going to bed at 10pm and struggling to wake up at 7:30am! All of this is just absurd.
All of that being said on the verge of tears and frustration, I am no longer going to continue with this workout. I enjoyed doing it and loved the daily challenge, but it's not working for me and my body and it's not producing the results I personally want. I am going to just stick to the running, which has always been successful for me.
I hope this doesn't discourage the rest of you who have started this program. I always get excited when another friend tells me they've started because I inspired them! Just remember: what works for one person, doesn't always work for another. I just know my body and it simply needs running.
On another note: I'm eliminating peanut butter from my diet for a couple months. This might come as the biggest shock to those of you who know me
really well! Peanut butter is not necessarily unhealthy for you. In fact, in moderation it's quite good for you. It's a healthy source of monounsaturated fats and protein. Unfortunately, it's also high in calories (about 210 per 2tbsp serving). And the rate at which I consume it is totally not healthy. (Admitting it is the first step, right?) For me, this is the simplest way to cut easy calories.
Anyway, I think I may still do the fit test today, just to see how far I've come in two weeks. Since I've put in all this work it would be nice to see how much I've improved from Day 1. I'll post the results either tonight or tomorrow.
Thank you all for reading along and joining in on this challenge! For those of you continuing: ROCK ON! You're amazing for challenging your bodies and minds to do something you may not have thought you could do, and probably question while you're doing it. You are a lot stronger than you think you are. Lots of love!