Saturday, July 30, 2011

Retail Therapy

I am not a big proponent of spending what you don't have (because I don't have much) or using material things to make you happy, but damn it feels good sometimes! Let's get passive aggressive for a sec. I finally got angry.. no, pissed off to the point where I wanted to punch something.. at someone important to me. I say "finally" because it feels like it was a long time coming. The lack of initial honesty is what I find to be beyond insulting.

So, I did what any grown woman would do, I went shopping. For five hours. I didn't walk away with much, but I had an a-mazing time with some fantastic girl friends. We spent the evening laughing hysterically, ooh-ing and ahh-ing at fabulous clothing, trying on about 10 pairs of the same damn shoe in every store possible, and ultimately I bought some pretty amazing things that make me feel damn sexy.

And I think that's what it's really about. It's not the "rush" of blowing your paycheck on a few articles of clothing or some cheap accessories, because they're not going to mean much to you in two months. It's about the time you're having while you're doing it and how you feel as it's happening. It's about feeling fresh, rejuvenated, confident, amazing, sexy, and just letting it all go because you have your girls. And sometimes, that's all you really need.

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