Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Manifesting My Destiny

I have spent a lot of time sending out resumes. To the point where it has become ever-consuming and overwhelming at times. I have found myself not remembering where I've applied, to what position I've applied, and when I've applied to said position and organization. I know I am not the only one doing this, but I have come to a realization this week that this just can't be the way to exist.

I had an amazing interview a couple weeks ago for a position I truly wanted, with an organization I felt I would have melded very well with, and was let down two days later because the job was offered (and accepted) by another candidate. I bawled. Cried for about 15 minutes. Less because I was devastated that I didn't get the job, more because I was so frustrated at the prospect of starting over. I had completely psyched myself out, felt SO confident, thought about the incoming phone call all day.

But I never saw the end result. I never saw myself sitting in my new office, working on my new projects, looking out my new window, becoming part of my new team. I did not manifest myself.

This is something interesting, and nothing new, that a coworker of mine brought to my attention this week. She said that she often thinks if she were dead and looking over from the other side, would she be happy with her choices or regret the path she took. And what is stopping her from taking the path that she wants to be on? The answer is nothing. WE are stopping ourselves. We use statements that are barriers in our minds and we have a tendency to live so much in the future that we forget about our present.. using statements such as "When this happens, then I can do this." All of these things prevent us from creating the path that we truly want to be on. Rather, you need to manifest. See, hear, touch, taste, smell, be where you want to be. Live positively and know that all things are possible.

I thought this was incredibly interesting and wonderful advice. A good way to restructure thinking. I think the way this is meant to be used is practically in order to accomplish your goals, not necessarily to win the lottery.

So here I am, two days out of a wonderful interview with an amazing organization. I feel no nervousness, no jitters, no anxiety about my pending phone call. Instead, I can envision myself sitting in my new office with finished concrete floors, my artwork on the walls, looking out my glass door.. taking on my new projects, interacting with my new boss and coworkers, and being challenged in my new position.

Whether or not I am offered this position is still unknown. But I am at peace with the present, finally. And I can accept, without frustration, the end result.

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