Wednesday, August 24, 2011


I'm a very stress free person. This wasn't always the case, as in my youth I became stressed over many little things. Little, inconsequential situations that wouldn't make one bit of difference in my life the next day, or the next week, or month. Then, during my junior year of High School, I had an epiphany after a particularly stressful day in my pre-calc class. I remember walking out of class, standing there for a moment, and thinking to myself, "You know what? It doesn't matter." It was literally like I flipped a switch - an awakening, if you will - and since that moment very few things bother me to the point where I would consider them stressful.

That is why the last week or so has been quite out of the ordinary. I've actually been feeling a large amount (for me) of stress lately. The usual culprit, the search for love, is there more so than usual. I should point out that this is really the only thing I ever tend to stress over; And damn, I swear it seems my lack of stress in other areas just accumulates in this area. It can get very overwhelming. But I digress...

Financing this whole trying-to-buy-a-house thing, and realizing just how many little fees and expenditures are involved is pretty scary when you have a limited bank account. Don't get me wrong, I'll figure out how to get it all done, by hook or by crook (well, not by crook), but it's still going to be a pretty large source of stress until it's all settled.

In addition, the deadline to apply to the grad school program I'm interested in is rapidly approaching. Yet, my motivation to get everything together is sorely lacking. I suppose the building stress of this is my own fault, but that doesn't change the fact that it has been weighing on me more and more.

My natural optimism is keeping the stress down and I know everything is going to work out. It always does, whether I have to make it happen myself or there's natural resolution. I still can't help but feel encumbered by this recent onslaught though. I don't like it! How do people who are constantly stressed out about everything manage to function? That is no way to live!

So... After typing all that, I realize this post probably wasn't very interesting to read. I humbly apologize, and promise to write a short but riveting adventure story next time. It may or may not involve dragons and invaders from outer space. Until then...

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